Love challenge #59: How are your parents?

Day 59

When is the last time you’ve talked to your parents? 🙂

I know life gets busy, but family is very important…especially your immediate family. As time passes by, we all get older, and realize that God placed family in our lives for many special reasons.

How is your relationship with your parents? Whether or not you feel close to them, God placed them in your life, and without them, we wouldn’t be here. For this reason, we are to love, respect and honor them at ALL times.

You may be reading this and harboring fear, anger or confusion about situations in your life that have kept you from keeping a tight relationship with your parents. Everyone has not grown up in the most loveable conditions and circumstances. However, no matter what has happened in the past, it is not too late to restore what may have been lost. There is this thing called forgiveness. It may be time to forgive and let go of the past –not just for your parents’ sake, but for your own. Remember the attributes of love that you have within you. God listens to, nurtures, encourages, shares, loves and forgives us and we should treat our parents with  the same honor.

Ephesians 6:1-3 states

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.”

Proverbs 23:22 states:Listen to your father who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old. 


Love challenge #59: Have you checked on your parents lately? Have you expressed your love and appreciation for them? If not, call them. According to God’s word, long life is attached to whether or not we honor our parents and treat them with love and respect. This issue is a big deal in God’s sight. Take the time to be attentive to your parents in love, thought and action today! Listen without interruption and love them just because. When you do, The Lord will honor and bless you richly because LOVE NEVER FAILS! ❤

2 thoughts on “Love challenge #59: How are your parents?

  1. I had some differences with fathers but since I live in the same house, God gave me the opportunity to forgive and let go of the Past. He is restoring and healing. I give glory to God for what He is doing. Even when sometimes we don’t understand what’s happening.

    Love this post, encourages me to continue believing and obeying God.

    Tayrina fron TGAWrites

    1. Thanks for sharing your journey and being so transparent @TGAWrites, and there are so many others than can relate. your comments inspire me as well. Love is a journey, and by pressing on and forgiving, you are winning! God has so many great things in store for not only your family relationships but in every area of your life. Keep shining your light and lifting Him high :)!

      God bless,

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